Advisory Committees


The mission of the Voting and Language Accessibility Advisory Committees (VAAC and LAAC) is to ensure Placer County elections are accessible to all eligible voters, including those with disabilities and targeted language needs. Click on the links below to learn more about each committee and to find information on how to apply.

Past Advisory Committee Meetings


June 6, 2024 VAAC Meeting Agenda

June 6, 2024 VAAC Meeting (PowerPoint presentation)

June 6, 2024 VAAC Meeting (video recording)

June 6, 2024 VAAC Meeting (transcript)

Zoom webinar:

When: June 6, 2024 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: VAAC Meeting

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Telephone: +1 877 853 5247 US Toll Free or 888 788 0099 US Toll Free

Webinar ID: 941 3930 8954


June 6, 2024 LAAC Meeting Agenda

June 6, 2024 LAAC Meeting (PowerPoint presentation)

June 6, 2024 LAAC Meeting (video recording)

June 6, 2024 LAAC Meeting (transcript)

Zoom webinar:

When: June 6, 2024 03:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: LAAC Meeting

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or Telephone: +1 877 853 5247 US Toll Free or 888 788 0099 US Toll Free

Webinar ID: 950 5134 8312

Placer County VAAC

Placer County LAAC

Members of the VAAC and LAAC are volunteers; there is no stipend or reimbursement for participating in either committee. Committee membership is limited; however, all meetings are open to the public and all interested voters, advocates, and organizations are welcome to attend and participate.


Placer County Elections Office – Voting Accessibility

Secretary of State’s Office – List of California Counties with VAACs and LAACs

California Secretary of State VAAC

California Secretary of State LAAC

County VAAC Toolkit

Disability Rights California – VAACs: How Voters with Disabilities Can Make Elections More Accessible

Disability Rights California – Voting Accessibility Advisory Committees: Best Practices for County Elections


The Placer County Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) is comprised of community members that meet quarterly with Placer County election officials to offer recommendations on how to improve election access for voters with disabilities.

VAAC members have helped raise awareness of disability issues through their involvement and have assisted the Placer County Elections Office with numerous projects, including assessing the accessibility of potential polling places and the production of the Poll Worker Training Guide.

Members examine existing election processes and materials and provide the advice, insight and information needed to ensure all eligible Placer County voters can participate in the electoral process independently and privately. Duties include:

  • Evaluating Placer County voting systems and locations to identify any barriers that might limit access for those living with disabilities
  • Advising on training programs to ensure effective assistance is available during an election’s voting period
  • Reviewing communication channels to ensure all voters have unimpeded access to critical information and education about Placer County elections

Interested parties, particularly those with experience working or volunteering with accessibility advocacy groups, are encouraged to apply. An application can be completed online or downloaded and submitted via email to [email protected]. All applications will be considered, though priority membership will be offered to voters of Placer County.

Desirable Qualifications:

  • Able to serve at least one year
  • Able to attend meetings
  • Experience with accessibility advocacy, outreach, or technology
  • An understanding of barriers faced by voters with disabilities

Meetings are held both in-person and virtually quarterly and may be scheduled more frequently on an as-needed basis.


The Placer County Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC) was created to provide community members the opportunity to meet with election officials on a quarterly basis in an effort to improve and increase voting accessibility for those for whom English is a second language.

Placer County offers targeted voting assistance in Spanish, Korean, Tagalog and Punjabi. The purpose the LAAC is to provide the Elections Office with the information necessary to enhance this language support to ensure all voters feel educated and informed about casting their ballot in Placer County.

Members of the Placer County LAAC will be asked to examine existing election procedures and language support practices to help us determine if new methodologies and programs would improve and increase accessibility for all eligible voters. Duties include:

  • Evaluating informational resources like the Elections website and Voter Information Guide for clarity and ease of access
  • Reviewing existing voting systems and locations to identify possible barriers for non-English speakers
  • Refining training programs to ensure multilingual assistance in targeted languages is available during an election’s voting period

Interested parties, particularly those with experience working or volunteering with language-based community groups, are encouraged to apply. An application can be completed online or downloaded and submitted via email to [email protected]. All applications will be considered, though priority membership will be offered to voters of Placer County.

Desirable Qualifications:

  • Able to serve at least one year
  • Able to attend meetings
  • Experience with language advocacy, outreach, or technology
  • An understanding of barriers faced by voters with language needs

Meetings will be held both in-person and virtually quarterly and may be scheduled more frequently on an as-needed basis.

Questions about membership in the Placer County VAAC or LAAC? Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 530-886-5650.